This is an exclusive business profile of Orange City Platform located in Dharampeth, . From this Page, you can directly contact Orange City Platform from the enquiry form provided on the right. On the left you can get the Verified Mobile Number of Orange City Platform - feel free to call us to know more about our products & services. We will soon update our Catalog which you can download to get latest information about all our products & services and latest deals & offers by Orange City Platform. Do check out our Job Openings section to know about all the vacancies in Orange City Platform. You can also check out our Photo Gallery section to see latest photos of Orange City Platform. Before leaving, do not forget to give us your review and rating if you have been a customer of Orange City Platform in the past. orange City platform Academy established in Nagpur (Maharastra) is dedicated towards the promotion of career oriented education for the populace, brings the multifaceted Media & Entertainment Industry under one roof. orange city platform has been launched with a wish of chasing an audacious dream. The faculty members consist of individuals from the media field with a vast experience in films, television & dance, music as well as training experience in modelling institutes of international repute.