Highland Park Nagpur

Highland Park

While planning a trip to some exotic location, what a typical wanderlust generally does is perform a comb search operation seeking to decipher all the available USPs of the location that he is trying to zero upon. This article is for those travelers who are gradually making up their mind to undertake a trip to Nagpur in the coming days – and the reader, after reading the article, shall only get a more enhanced view of Nagpur’s status as a popular tourist destination. To keep things focused on certain pockets of Nagpur tourism, we shall deal with only one aspect of this Central Indian metropolis here – so, we shall talk about Highland Park, Nagpur.

Nagpur’s growth as a popular tourist attraction has been successfully aided and abetted by, other than its strategic position in Central India as a vibrant hub of social and economic activities, the elements which have sprung up within its precincts primarily because of the sustained efforts of the local administration. Highland Park in Nagpur is one of those USPs of Nagpur which have created a massive impact on the city’s tourism potential in recent days. 

Highland Park, Nagpur is one of the myriad popular tourist destinations in Nagpur which are ideal for all genres of family amusement. The paraphernalia housed in the Park are suited to cater to the recreational needs of persons of all ages and genders. Even amid a never ending flow of visitors, adequate provisions are present to keep female privacy intact at every point within the boundaries of this amusement park.

Attractions in Highland water Park

Highland Park, Nagpur is one of those rare places found in Central India which besides being Amusement Parks, also combine the features of Water Parks and Resorts in them. This combination of three genres of popular public modes of entertainment has turned this place into one of the most favored destinations among fun loving folks. Here is a comprehensive list of all the features of Highland Park, Nagpur.

  • The vast expanse of scenic landscape which forms an exquisite backdrop for this amusement park is simply enthralling to the tired human eye. The subtle mix of mountainous land and adjacent water bodies that embellish most of Southern India has played a magnificent role in making the natural landscape surrounding Highland Park absolutely breathtaking to watch.

  • There is an unique Challenge Zone in the park, which has been named according to the nature of activities that it unleashes to challenge the recreational limits of the fun loving, excitement-crazy visitors. Exciting hydraulic rides and Hi-speed Go Karting on specially designed tracks make experiences in this Challenge Zone highly memorable for the overwhelming majority of visitors.

  • An unique combination of wet rides, dry rides, kids’ rides, food courts and restaurants makes this place a heavenly destination for all kinds of fun loving people – age or gender are simply no bar to basking in the beauty of Highland Park, Nagpur.

  • Presence of separate dress changing rooms for both females and males, spick and span toilets at regular intervals within the domains of the Park, lockers to store valuable goods, water dispensers, restrooms and availability of parking spaces puts this amusement park at a level far above the entire gamut of ordinary ones found in the rest of Nagpur and Central India.

Time to visit Highland Park

Early summer is the best time in the year to make your way into this fantastic dreamland, situated at the heart of Central India. Afterall, what better way can be there to start the summers other than getting injected with some watery-amusement at Highland Park, Nagpur. So, entertain no questions in your mind about where to find the best ‘amusement’ in Central India – this one stop destination is all yours!

Location of Highland Park

Address –
About 15 kilometres on Nagpur-Amravati Road,
Waddhamna, Nagpur, India

Phone Number – 0712-2428542 / 3247661
Email id – [email protected]

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