Distance and Route
The distance between Pune and Nagpur is approximately 770 kilometres which can be covered in a time span of 11 hours. Travelling from Nagpur via Amravati, Pune can be reached through Aurangabad and Ahmednagar covering a distance of 770 kilometres by road. Modes of convenience can be chosen by the traveller from Nagpur to Pune; i.e. bus, train, rental car or private car.Transport
Buses like Volvo and Red Buses can be booked online or through travel agents/agencies or over the phone as well. Volvo Buses and Red Bus services are available from both Nagpur and Pune, travelling to and fro, daily between 7:00 am in the morning till 10:00 pm in the night. These passenger bus services are offered by several travel agencies and the cost of luxury coaches, AC coaches, and non AC coaches may vary between INR 1300 and 4000 or between INR 800-1200 depending on the travel agencies and the time covered may also vary between 12 hours and 16 hours. The distance might also vary from 770 kilometres to 891 kilometres.Car rental services are also available from Pune to Nagpur and vice versa with round trip options offered by several travel agencies. Depending on the car and facilities cost of rental may vary between INR 130-290 per hour.
Trains are also available between Nagpur and Pune besides rental cars, taxis and buses which ply on this route.
Road Condition
The best route to follow from Nagpur to Pune is through Ahmednagar-Aurangabad-Jalna –Chikli-Khamgaon-Akola and Amravati. The roads are in good condition without glitches along with 2 and 4 lane roads with eateries, fuelling options although traffic might be a lot in this route. However, speed might be a factor during monsoon as the roads are prone to be damaged due to excess rainfall in the months of September.Eateries and Accommodation in between Nagpur and Pune by Road
On the Ahmednagar-Aurangabad route while traveling from Nagpur to Pune by road, several restaurants and eateries are available with assorted meal options for travelers on the go along with clean restrooms. Hotel Nagpur at Sadashivpeth, Pune also offers excellent dining options for travelers. Re - fuelling stations or petrol pumps are also scattered across the route from Nagpur to Pune at Jalna road, on State Highway 60, State Highway 24.Sightseeing
Pune is seldom known for its innumerable travel location, scenic and picturesque; nestled below the Western Ghats. Dubbed as the second largest city in Maharashtra after Mumbai, the historical monuments, beautiful valleys amidst lush greenery is worth visiting. Agha Khan Palace built by Sultan Md. Shah Agha Khan in 1892 in order to shelter and feed the poor should be on a must visit list akin to Kasturba Gandhi Memorial or Samadhi within Agha Khan Palace,Shivneri Fort, Shaniwar Wada, Lal Mahal,Empress Garden, Peshwa Udyan. Visit to Onkareshwar Temple, the famous Ganapati Temple, Parvati Hill and Temple, Chatursinghi Temple along with visits to Matheran, Mahabaleshwar, Malshej Ghat on the outskirts of Pune is also on recommended travel list.Nagpur also has a historical backdrop and therefore, visits to Ramtek, Pench National Park, Seminary Hills, Maharaja Baug, Dragon Place Temple is also highly recommended.